Defend Your Home Against Pest Invasions

Turn to a Reliable Pest Control Company in Laurel & College Park, MD

Worried about being stung on your way into your house? Sick of seeing anthills outside of your business? Turn to Page Exterminating Services for outdoor pest control services in Laurel, College Park, MD and surrounding areas. Our team is equipped to handle both bugs and rodents. We can customize our services to fit the needs of your property. Whether you need bug spraying services or wasp nest removal, you can rest assured that all of our methods are eco-friendly.

Speak with someone from our team today at 240-264-6242.

pest control company laurel md

Don't Let Bugs Take Over Your Property

We use a variety of methods to keep properties pest-free. When you work with us, we'll:

Treat cracks and crevices outside of your property
Handle wasp nest removal, spider web removal and more
Use plant-based sprays to eliminate pests
Provide YardGuard treatment to keep your pets safe

You can also trust us to set up bait boxes to catch rodents. If you need outdoor pest control services, call today.